Sunday, April 4, 2010

Coffee Table Talks!!

Interrupted by the communicator buzz!!Mostly this have to be a call for a coffee break or a luncheon. Office has become more sort of a home, historically and in present times. It is so obvious, when you almost spend 33.33% of your day in office. Or some even argue, the percentage is more. Math is simple, just add the hours you take to commute to and fro office, in the office cab daily!! Thats pretty much being in office only. It is even exceed such hours, when you spoil your evening/night with your partner/roomy, thinking that your boss had not paid heed to your hard work.

This is a discussion, in the coffee table...mostly when you add the brown sugar twice, mistakenly. In the excitement to share the mental agony with your colleague, you almost forgot that you only take one sachet of brown sugar with each cup of cappuccino; or for that matter you also forget that you wanted to drink a frappé, in lieu of a cappuccino; or to make matters worse, you forget to collect your mobile from the security personnel, in exchange of the token you just gave him. So you rush from your coffee table, run upstairs and argue with the security for your mobile and almost with some fuming debates you come back with the mobile, only to drink the hot coffee that turned pale a few moments back!!

When asked about your careless behavior, you would point out you are unhappy about things rolling up and down in your life. "All messed up!!".. You do not try to clean the mess...You just complain..Coffee table gives you the biggest opportunity..In your coffee table, you would like to share the stories of the distant coffee table, towards which your eyes gaze, despite your coveted unwillingness.You are unhappy that you failed to clear the assessment for a SME position. Had you been promoted for a SME position now, you would have been promoted to a TL position the next year, in which case you would have also enjoyed the facilities of the Manager of the distant coffee table.

" What are those facilities?", your curious colleague..

" Apart from the documented ones", you would spell out softly, " I would have been blessed by the reason NOT to bring lunch office. Because you would have been well butter fed by your ardent subordinate who in a haste to please you for good ratings and favors, would easily nosedive into a regime of Mathhis to Rajma Masala Curry!!"

By this time when your pale coffee is emptied by you, you will still yearn for a biscuit-chai combo, because you are yet to share some more spicy stories. As if, your job is not to go up to the production floor to work, but to live some enlightening moments by indulging in office gossiping. You talk about the break up of your previous process colleague with another of your previous process colleague; you try to justify your role as a mediator between the two, when you have just mummed and may talk about the sub-prime mortgage crisis;Coffee Table talks are often non-productive!! That you may think; but it is the coffee lovers that make a coffee table. Consider an example:

Shaurya comes joins you in the coffee table, of course with a diet coke with his hand. He tells you, that you are about to see a change in the manager's post in your process. He also mentions you that this new incumbent is a guy from a support function and is not very cooperative with the team members and hence you need to act smart and fight for what is right.That was one. Shaurya says that you should be aware of the guy in the pink, un-pressed shirt with specks as he is not to be trusted. The other piece of information he shared with you is the fact that you need to know, doing what makes you achieves the best ranks in the process/company!!

Your new manager identifies and recognises you by the coffee table you sit and the coffee wizards you spend time...

Understand, it is the coffee tables that makes your life at office!!

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