Saturday, April 3, 2010

Finally....Some Integrity Lessons!!!

When an advertisement for a job is posted, it is a practice to mention the eligibility criteria among other things. But no where in the eligibility criteria it is mentioned that " the candidate must possess the highest standards of Integrity Framework and reasonably of good character"; this is perhaps because of the fact that it is assumed that one pass those tests in schools and Colleges.

Yet; at your work place, these qualities assume breathtakingly strong importance. You may not be asked to leave your organisation for the non performance of the things mentioned in the eligibility criteria, but for sure you will be asked/forced to resign because of the non performance of something that was not mentioned in the eligibility criteria; one of such things is INTEGRITY.

Everyone must have heard about the story of Karn and Parashuram (Mahabharata), where the former lied to the latter that he was a Brahmin, so that he was admitted as a student for Dhanurvidya by Parashuram.But later on, when Parashuram discovered that Karn was in fact a Khatriya, the former not only cut short the latter's training stint, but also cursed him that he would have forgot all his learnings at a time he would needed them the most. There could not be a better example of the price one pays for not adhering to Intergrity.

The corporate world today can provide many such instances. An AVP submitting false/fabricated hotel bills to employer to claim Fringe Benefits; A Senior Manager misappropriating confidential client information...all these were treated with a Phantom Menace, from termination to life long career exile.

In Sports as well, taking drugs to attain short term strength on 100 meter race; faking age and falsifying caste etc....some have been punished and some have been gone unnoticed...

Few more examples when things were overlooked; An employee faking false experience certificate to get better compensation...coming to office late, staying for few hours and getting back home saying that the employee forgot to give the spouse the house keys; these things and many more seemingly lopsided practices of professionalism did not come to the scanner because the employee was a manager's favorite!!!

It is frustrating for some chaps, however to be victim of a genocide, because they tried to achieve something which was not achieved by the favored some; the way they did it was questioned...looking at the bigger picture, such stray incidents could have been well ignored,but as you know, the favorites have to be satisfied at the cost of the less favored ones, as the less favored one asks/fights for their rights!!!

Integrity does Exist however, I would say is in practice; but it is used as a weapon by the vested interests against those who deserve the right to live also....

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