Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Have you ever tried to gauge the pulse of the floor? the riveting series of events that catch our ears and eyes, the engulfing episodes that bind the floor aura and the ever clocking moments that pass, side by side with the registering of the TATs and the SLAs.
Among all these, there are certain issues that go over looked, thinking of a bigger picture, however needs some careful consideration.
In an organisation, all employees behave responsible by performing their daily tasks and deliverables at the optimum capacity, in their process. Each one is well aware of this. But they sometime, somehow overlook their responsibility towards their neighbours on the floor.Just like we think of the neighbour near our household area, in a floor or in a company also, we should not forget the doctrine of peaceful co-existence.
I do not want to prove that nobody follows this doctrine on the floor. I also know and want to appreciate each one who follows this doctrine, without any lapses. However, there have been times in the past(almost becoming a regular instance for some) that some of us, for the sake of sharing our most hilarious experiences and craking jokes of the day/or a the experinece of watching a comedy movie which was not all funny (thinking, if that is not shared at that moment, someone else would do), almost forget that the employees in the other process is fighting with a transaction processing, the correct resolving of which is a need of the hour. The aftermath of the joke might make the team mates indulge in a laugh riot, but might as well deter the concentration of the employee who is fighting with his task and he might just make an error out of it.

It is a common practice in an organisational set up to mix fun with work now a days..But is anybody aware, that it might have some unwanted consequences if the thin line between fun and excessive fun is touched?

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