Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Paradise: Revisited, will I restore?

I wake up early today and didn’t prepare my breakfast
Because it was made for me and served with a careful delicacy!
I heard the whistling bird singing “A morning of grandeur”
There was a smiley smile in the way the rain intervened the moment
I didn’t have my breakfast and had a break-dance in the warmth of nature
Oh Yeh! This is my home where I long to belong!!!

The absence of dreaded routines that papa exuberates;
The sweat creating efforts in the kitchen of the person
Whom I fear more than God, my mom would speak loudly
“Son, I have been craving for an opportunity to feed you”And my innocuous realisation; that mom next time I would
Make rose of a stone to bring an AC home!!!

Howling feelings of the distance submerges under the
Closet of memories that stood still but alive like the
Flowing waters of the transparent torrent;
“Where have you been all the while?”…
I have been surveying a way out to keep coming back….

Thursday, July 17, 2008

the southern connection...

My tryst with people from the Southern part of the country has been indelible. During my MBA days I grew in friendship with Srinivas Reddy Kandala, an intelligent guy from Hyderabad. However I do not want to set any ground rules that I easily develop friendship with people from South. My propinquity to Srini (He was referred to as “Srini” by all and sundry) was due to the fact that we both were introverts and we shared something similar to “Greater common good”. His looks portrayed a typical demeanor of a studious individual. His conduct made him behave like an IITan. But out in a group that was far from being serious about studies, Srini might have felt a tinge of estrangement of which I was also a victim. For sure I was not too serious a candidate of Srini’s echelon, but I was never an advocate of wasting time in matters that did not add value. Srini was even prepared to live a life in a cocoon, rather than surrounded by compatriots who would influence him in a negative way. This is however in no way to connote that all other students had passed time just like that. Perhaps Srini was destined to stand tall among others that he drifted his ways apart. At present he is in Seattle, at KPMG. I do not regret much now about not making as big as Srini did, but I do take an earnest consolation that I at a point in time shared a good rapport with Srini. However we have not been able to keep in close stroke with each other now.

During July last year, I had come to terms with Shyam Bharath Murugan from Chennai when we both joined our alma mater Genpact India. The team in which we both landed our luck was a team ready for a process consolidation. In a Team of 20, I was the fourth one to join. Bharath (Perhaps I found an incredible connection of his with the character of Ramayana) joined later than me. It has almost been a year now since we have met and my eyes shimmer in delight thinking that I have lived many radiant moments of life with him. The difference between my proximity to Srini and Bharath is that Srini is yet to know the secrets of my life and Bharath has discovered almost whole of those.

“Let’s put up together”, Bharath asked me if we both could share the hotel space in Philadelphia. As a part of Process Transition, we were supposed to go to the client location for Training. We had to stay in Hotel for 8 weeks. So that was time for us to choose roomies. I was contemplating my options when Bharath gave the unexpected call. It was unexpected as the person in Bharath I presumed at that time was a little out of bounds, at least for me. I had almost made my mind up to hang around with Rohan, the Rajdeep Sardesai of our Team (I still find it difficult to digest why Rohan didn’t opt for a career in Media). But I was yet to let Rohan know about it. However I decided to nod my head for Bharath’s call. My decisions are often based on gut feeling (A very obvious quality of an Aquarian) than on established logicsJ.

That was the moment when I never realized that I found a new friend. Someone whose absence creates a space which I have never enjoyed. After my school days friend Arjun (Well Arjun and I are still Great friends, there have not been a single day that we have not talked on phone after I left Assam), Bharath is someone with whom I have never shared a colleague-counterpart affair. We are good friends and I love to believe that he is the best thing that happened in the recent past in my life. (Well Nikhil, please don’t mind; I will write about you tooL)

It would be a Herculean assignment to travel on the history of Subha-Shyam (Bharath and I have differences of opinion on most of the things just like a day would have differed with the night, that’s why the term) relationship. But there are certain things that I never forget to remember.

During our stay in Philadelphia, there had not been a single day Bharath would not have woke me up. I slept a lot. All alarms and reminders were futile attempts that I made. After that he would wait until I get ready for office. Then only he would take his turn. I of course prepared some stuff for lunch in office. Well those can hardly be called food; according Chitra the food that I prepared were punishments. Bharath however never complained about those. When the stuff we purchased were lying at sixes and sevens in room no 331, he would always apply 5S on them. I remember on a weekend I went to New Jersey to meet my friend Jeeta, I forgot to wash my clothes. When I came back to hotel on the Sunday night, I found those clothes washed and well ironed. How much would you expect from your roomy?

One evening we were buying some vegetables from Giant. I got those on a bucket and came to the billing counter and asked for the billing. Bharath was standing on a queue. He suddenly snatched the bucket from me and went back to the vegetables section. After 4-5 minutes, he came back with the same vegetables. But didn’t bring those in the bucket, he packed those on small polybags that were there for packing the vegetables individually so that those could be weight separately. I knew his effort was not mandatory but relearned the maxim “While in Rome, do as Romans do”.

There have been many such instances which knock the door of memory. Be it the swimming in the pool (We never learnt how to swim; but learnt how to unwind a day long fatigue); the Hotdog saga at the Chicago Airport (A banana worth $ 2 was much tastier); the exploration of Philadelphia (We can proudly say that Bharath and I along with Visual had discovered South Street and felt the same contentment after that as Columbus would have felt after discovering America); The Malibu moments ( Well, we often discussed about the way ahead with a glass of Rum after dinner); The fight over going to New York at the cost of booking the $ 247 Hotel Riverside studio at Manhattan (The only time I seriously had a antagonistic debate with Bharath). I am sure Bharath would have treasured those too (Good news, he will be writing down the New York trip).

Back in India also, we share the same rigor. Be it planning our lunch-dinner, or going out on a vacation (Well, it’s still a plan), we again “Greater Common Good. But I regret he didn’t attend my Birthday party at CR Park. He went to Vaishnodevi trip during January.

Bharath and I are not typical friends who would talk like anything. In fact we hardly speak during our conversations. Our non-verbal cues are enough to indicate million approvals and zillion denials.

The road ahead…Lets wait and watch….

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Known Unknown.....

This is something for which I have rejoiced more often than not. I have dared to refer to this as a Friendship which is gifted more than established. Gifted because the manner in which it has intruded into my life was not a planned transition, rather it had so far been a gradual soul healing breeze that would unwind even the forlorn mind.

Mansi, daughter of one my distant uncle and I have never met so far. It was only last year when I had an opportunity to interact with her over the phone. We were strangers then. But when we started talking, the ubiquitous hesitation had vanished and we behaved as if we knew each other from ages. In the very first conversation I could confess that I am an occasional drinker and she could easily take on board the ground realities.

The foundation of our friendship had not of course been the power play of a 50 over cricket match, but it definitely has been successful in emulating the brick by brick batting style of a Rahul Dravid. Incidentally we both are fervent fans of cricket and it had well fuelled our steady conversations. Of course it took me a while to digest why she would have supported Kolkata Knight Riders. It was not because of the regional sentiment, but because of the nemesis (well, I am compelled to use that word now) called Shahrukh Khan. She often says she would have gladly married to Shahrukh had he been divorced to Gauri. I had so far made some gawky comments about it and she would have shrugged off my klutzy murmur with a smile (Because I am yet to meet her, I strongly believe she has a graceful smile).

She would in all probability curses me for not watching Chak De, the movie in which Shahrukh had give a performance of a lifetime and had been a runaway success. I actually find hard to comprehend how the Indian women Hockey Team would have won a World Cup Tournament, when the Men had failed to qualify for the Olympics (Leave aside the Heroics portrayed by Shahrukh as the Hockey Coach). I have had never-ending arguments over the story line of Chak De, but Mansi would observe “It’s about making impossible possible idiot”. Well, I would still not buy the argument, but would obviously admire her liking for the King of Bollywood.

I believe she strongly follows the Astrology. She would describe the traits of every Zodiac sign with the effortless ease which an Analyst of an Economy predicts the GDP growth pattern. She had told me that an Aquarian would be most compatible with a Leo or a Gemini. I said I am an Aquarian and I hardly get well compatible with anyone, forget Leo or Gemini. Then her immediate issue would be how often I would recognize which zodiac sign I was interacting. Perhaps she had been correct or perhaps otherwise also. But I love these differences in thinking. Our disagreements have often helped know each other better.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Journey of Distance....

I passed my weekend without the glass of Smirnoff
But that din’t bothers you;
I listened to “Until I find you again!”
But I can’t expect you to start loving it!!
I go for a morning walk
And you sleep two hours extra,
I watched Devil’s Advocate in idiot box
You made friendship with the popcorn!!

We are friends but live our own world;
I talk to silence about my liking for music and
My inability to pay off the last month EMIs!
You told the wind that you want to conquer hearts and
How good it was to be rewarded for an outstanding performance!!

We travel a distance of unequal significance;
I just walked and you developed wings to fly!
I have met the substance of illusion.
You dared to have a collision with experience.
Sometimes I wonder if we ever met someday and
You always dream of ways to avoid such a paranoid encounter.

My penchant blossoms for a new stuff after every passing second;
You scuffed off the ideas and locked them saying “Ideas no longer rule”!
Then suddenly I discovered a way to live life with a paradigm shift;
And later on I realized that it’s a way you had already invented;
I follow and hence not rule.
You lead and then you yearn for an opportunity to be the torchbearer.

Under these circumstances, it is but anybody’s guess that
We will always agree to disagree.
But did we ever complain about not being breathing the same breath of life?
You would then say I ask too many questions
I appreciate that not too many questions will have answers that are logical.
Perhaps you would then give a smile and say,
For a change even we may agree…………….

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

race: to unwind to wind....

The myriad encounters of the path galloped
Have not been behaving like the cookies on a platter;
Distaste have produced angst
And the Sun has ceased to smile consistently.
The dirt of the windscreen can be moved through water
Believed that tears will unwind the sins committed!
A smoke in the air and the cloud in the sky
The warmth of the carelessly sipped Cappuccino
Had been a question and failed to be the answer.
The room of solace is empty with vanishing aspirations
Locked it for good; but reality broke into
Sealed the faith of the inspiration dwelled in.
A scarce smile and the reluctant steps on the floor
The wind perhaps smirked a docile gesture from a distance.
Hit the ball too hard and it still had got caught behind.
“Today is a holiday, lets catch up somewhere”, Brida called
The lunch was good and I said, “You are Paulo Coelho’s creation”.
The moments of glory were too few to relish for.
Decided to make a treasure trove out of penny accomplishments.
Life will fast catch up and living a life will be soothing to the mind