Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dial M 4 Motivation!!

Thinking that trees need any motivation to produce some gentle wind is beyond logic; but if one looks at a different angle; its a job of a tree, isn't it! apart from giving shades and keeping it green. Well no one bashes a tree for not doing its job well. Then why your boss invites you to his cabin and hits you left, right and center for not completing a project in time!!

Fact is everyone needs motivation. From a living object say a Tiger to hunt to a stationary one like the Sun. But getting that splurge of energy is not only in limited quantity, but it has a subversive nature; it measures your efforts and then thwarts them. Example: you at times fail to decide, that your inability to have muesli is lethargy or an attempt at new found rhythm for economy. Regardless of either one, you miss that tinge of the M-factor and end up just having water in breakfast. A negative energy creeps in.

So I draw some conclusion here; a fastidious but well-known outcome!! That is through the hope of realization of a goal(in the example either to attain economy or to be more lethargic, I did not opt for Muesli, a negative motivation though), motivation kicks in. Even the Freudian Psychoanalytic Theory propounds the same.

During our school/college days we studied hard to score good grades; we wake up early so that we do not miss the school bus or the office deadline of reaching on time; we run on the treadmill to lose some pounds; we avoid smoking so as to we keep the promise to our loved ones; to achieve all these, we resort to some kind motivation.

Sometimes however, one fact to be borne in mind; do we consider the pressure to achieve something as motivation? Most of the times we do. We stay at office till late as we have to meet the client deadline; the soccer star practices hard as he is going through a lull season so far; so on and so forth.

Perhaps a thinline can be drawn between what constitute pressure and what makes up for motivation!! When you happily take the pain to achieve something, thats when Motivation is calling the shots; otherwise, pressure is surmounting.

Why do we need no motivation to drink if we like it? Its a question a Psychologist will like to answer better; to do something bad, we do not need motivation, is it really true. Or we lose our mental balance to think through; Is it a rage to hit someone badly because of a fight or a motivation to demean the other? Very tough proposition indeed.

Life is a victory for those who can churn out positive energy and channelize into proper use.

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