Sunday, April 10, 2011

A love letter to an Anonymous!!

human wants never cease to exhaust...i know even if God gifts me the chance to talk to u for 24 consecutive hours, perhaps i will still ask him," Almighty, can't we have 26 hours a day!!!"
we lie...i say i cant live without u..its a blatant misstatement...see..u are not here...but m not starving..i take my lunch and dinner regularly...yeah, of course the taste is not as good as the one, had it been taken in your a way I love my stomach more than you and hence u can see i am growing with a semi-circular tummy..
the breeze tonight was very quiet,,making me forget an otherwise tough day..accelerating temperature and incessant mood of the top it all, the tea cup i lifted to sip was far from being a warmcandy..i love tea...i find it hard to even imagine that tea and me will ever separate, even though for many bad reasons, it needs to be quit, so much so that u quit smoking..smoking..m not even a starter...i just pass the 80% white and 20% brown stick to my friends coz they find me oblivious and remark, " how do u relax man?"...hey but i know there is someone who will be happy if i dont start a career in smoking!!!
this is however in no way to mean that my decisions are based on your whims and fancies!! After all, you would agree too that I, under the normal circumstances would lead a life based on what I want..sometimes there lies the problem!! I say, ' I need to love you"..and here I had to compromise because I must pay heed to your dictat," u must not love me too much", I simply love you and let me tell you that the percentage has reduced dramatically, to the only fact that, "u r my life"..
i was talking abt the breeze resembled to your hair dancing ballet with the moon..hey have i sometimes told you u r better off the moon? yes, I remember you didnt quite agree to this proposition..i know it was exaggerated...when someone is blind in love, he would not have seen you and would have compared you to the moon..I am not blind and hence think beyond the moon...
after mumtaz mahal deserted his life, Shahjahan conceptualised the is one of the modern wonders of the world...But I know, your departure from my life can never be replaced by any great monument or in your memory I have no plans to build or arrange for wonders...
sometimes, I become too sister in law often remarks to me, " I have seen very few people as romantic as you", this was a complement, I however do not take..because being romantic is being full of life and without you I am half a life!!
you are not like a typical have traits of a mighty soul u know...u r very strong at heart!! perhaps thats why I find strength in matter where you are and in whichever form you exist, you kind of tell me, " Hey m there, carry on with life"...drawing some guts from you, I would also like to add that consider me as a part of your journey!! I would like to share it in whatever small way it may become...i am glad that u consider me worthy of talking to me sometimes and make me part of your life!!
u would perhaps never realise what you have gifted me with!! A desire to express myself in a manner which is unique!! I know I am ages behind the time, when i will be called a writer, but because of you I have started chasing this dream!!! how this happend? I used to send you those short messags and no matter how trivial were those, you tend to read and appreciate gave me a lot of encouragement to write!!! Once I got a gift voucher of Rs 1100 from The Economic Times for writing a punchline for one of their advertisements...and because of you I took up the pen as a Copywriter, atleast for a small occassion...
Oh! I am sorry, I forgot to ask how are u? in my excitement for talking abt myself, I almost forgot that I am ignoring someone who means so much to me..I know u must be doing exceptionally good in your job...the best part of you is that u give 100% in whatever task you do...see, I do not appreaciate the use of only brains in work, sometimes it is necessary to give your heart out..and m sure you do that...
I really wish I get a chance to dance with you...I am not a good dancer and like all bad dancers wish for a chance with davar, I really wish one day we are shaking a leg together..and you showing me tips to place the steps with the rhythm say silently, " lets go for walk"...
hey....since we are going for a walk now...we will talk while we walk...bye...

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