Sunday, August 28, 2011

Do we spread butter like Joy!!

Lifestyle is a blessing as well as a bane!!

It is the result of lifestyle that we have the pleasure of living in comforts; or due to less time to live life we take refuge of a Lifestyle...that involves working till late, often dinning out, enormous stress, so on and so forth.

Thats where we fail to spread butter on bread properly; the fear of gaining some pounds keep us grounded; like giant corporations falling prey to paradox of thrift due to a probable slowdown in the economy..Or an agile deer in the jungle stopping its mind for a free Willey in the neighborhood of a tiger.

Spreading butter like joy is becoming extinct. Or perhaps living life has become a myth and leading life in the mechanistic way has taken over.

It is pity we fail to go on a vacation due to hardened project deadlines and hence no leaves from our work; or miss a family wedding or a long awaited ceremony. "Sacrifices needs to be made", as one friend observes, "If you want to give away to the demands of today's life". Typical is the case of a working woman-turned mother, who has to make a choice between "climbing the ladder" and " Giving more time" to the 1 year old boy. Life can be tough; it demands much more than one can imagine.

So we resort to innovative ways of balancing life-work; but in that fashion, we neither remain loyal to work nor we justify our ways of living life. Because by doing so, we just accomplish everything like a job or a project, but do we derive pleasure out of it? Or in other words, do we enjoy eating a brown bread, without butter? Do we spread butter like Joy?

I have some friends though, who have charted for them a path that gives them the satisfaction of living life. One of them quit a high paying MNC job and started blogging. "The huge pressures of job did not allow me to travel", says the friend who started a taking up a course in wild life photography. After the course, he goes travelling to places he has never seen before, does photography and runs his blog. "And the best part is", he remarks " I live my life!".

One of this friend i know was into Film-Editing and Media. He quit and launched a music album. The album did average, but what he wanted to achieve in life was achieved; "Working on the album helped me meeting many new people, studying, travelling and much more, which would not have been possible with a regular job".

It is one's utmost desire to live life that can only translate the wish to do it. People need to undergo the risk of success; choosing an alternative career option does not guarantee success. It is upto those taking the plunge, needs to decide what they want out of life.

And deciding to spread butter like joy is not easy at all.

I am still trying to decide and yet to reach a decision;-)

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