Monday, August 15, 2011

Freedom: Is it always great?

Irrespective of its good or bad, we want it. Everyone wants to break free, the Queen way!

A teen who is debarred from entering a bar till hes/shes 18, or a director who's movie is banned from screening due to some controversy; everyone wants to feel the fresh air.

Consider the case of a ruling party: it acts its own whims and fancies. No matter how far it cross the realm of corruption, let alone the country go hay wire in all aspects of life. Such freedom creates the so called Anna, the modern Gandhi to resist such freedom. It is however remains to see, how far the freedom given to such Anna's to stall, is effective.

Freedom of expression: the worst case scenario, this is I would call CREATIVITY by opportunity...we got a BHAG D K Bose. Why can't we get a Subhash Chandra Bose with " Give me blood, I will get give you freedom"?

The areas where we really need Freedom or in other words Innovation, we will always lag behind: Steve Jobs will create the IPhone 4 and we will just buy it. Larry page will devise Google and we will just search it.

Freedom must be replaced by Responsible Freedom Immediately.

That's should be the resolve of 64th Independence day.

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