Sunday, March 27, 2011

Commercial for Coke

Yudhisthir was about to plunge into the water, in a bid to save the lives of his four yongers; the water of the stream was deep; but his concern for his siblings was deeper. When he was entering the lake, someone from the back stopped him, " Yudhi", he looked back." Please sir, wait for a while and give me two minutes of yours". He was angry at the stranger, and called his names, " First of all, I am not Yudhi! I am Yudhisthir. Secondly, when someone is starting for a new job, don't bug him from behind, that is considered bad omen"

"Smart, Yudhi..I mean Yudhisthir if you like that ways.But I am the one who had trapped your brothers"

"What! why did you do that, what harm did they do to you?"

" I asked them your whereabouts.They utter a word. Hence I had to kidnap them so that you come here to save them"

" What do you want from me?"

" I have heard that you only speak the truth."

" Yes; how does it matter to you?"

" I am from a Cola Company; the American giant Coke. I have also heard that you all are thirsty. So I am here to satisfy your thirst."

" I can drink the water of the lake and satisfy my thirst. I do not need your cola."

" But I need you to be the new Brand Ambassador of Coke"

" Why?"

" Since you only speak the truth, when you appear in an ad and say Coke is the best Cola, people would believe and buy coke. My sales would zoom."

" But as you know, I only speak the truth; I have to know that the Coke is the best"

" That is why I am here to satisfy your thirst, taste it and feel it"

" How can I risk my life; how can I be so sure that you have not also mixed intoxicants and adulterated contents?"

" Haha; thats what my rival Pepsi does. Coke does not indulgene in adultery. And you are a heavenly soul; son of Indra Dev.Hence no intoxicants will harm you."

" Ok.What do I have to do so that my brothers are released?"

" Just have coke; appear in a commercial and say " The only truth about Cola is COKE".

" Your Diet Coke sir", the shop guy was screeming. Abhimanyu realised that while standing on the long queue, he started dreaming about Mahabharata and his spicy extras which he added to the real story.

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