Monday, February 7, 2011


How long can one carry innocence? well ask a mother who carries a baby!

But if today is learning and tomorrow is wisdom, then definitely, yesterday was a dismal day of ignorance. The journey from a yesterday to a tomorrow can be long. It could take an age to travel that.

You need a Ram-Sahai, who by holding your hand, illuminating your mind can give you respite to your curiosity. A Ram-Sahai, is basically a teacher. Of course, he/she/it can take different forms. For instance, Newton found the imprint of a Ram-Sahai in the form of an apple, which made him derive the law of Gravity.

The creation or obtaining a Ram-Sahai, needs your devotion and your desire. You need the urge to fail; because then a Ram-Sahai can lift you up. An inclination to experiment is a must; I was once told, even a Ram-Sahai had failed many a times before becoming a Ram-Sahai himself!!

I knew a boy of 30 years now, who at the age of 24 found a Ram-Sahai. At that tender age he thought that Love is Platonic. It flourishes like the blossoming flower, in the mind; to purify it and give solace to the soul. Like the blank pages before a book being written and published.Well, in practice though, that wanna be Romeo understood, that 'A Romeo can be a Romeo in the play, a Juliet can be a Juliet in the past and Love can be love in theory'. In recent times, love is symbolic of a need satisfier, barter like system which has all ramifications, except off the heart..The learning lesson for the boy came from Ram-Sahai herself, his beloved!!

King Midas got the Midas touch early, but he got his learning lesson later. It took the defeat of all qualities and the emergence of greed which took over everything. Everything turned to Gold with his touch. A touch of greed. Greed was his Ram-Sahai!! Similarly, the goose that laid golden eggs was the Ram-sahai for the poor fellow. Greed took over his goose!!

Our telecom minister Raja saheb, thought that 2G was a boon from the blue to him. Now resting at the Tihar Jail, he must be contemplating that 2G is indeed was his Ram-Sahai!!

In our life, we all need a Ram-Sahai. We spent our life with it or keep searching for it..

Note: Ram from Ram Shankar Nikumbh of Taare Zameen Par and Sahai from Black!!

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