Saturday, September 3, 2011

Will Bodyguard Recover 90 Crores? Thats the Question!!

It is a universal phenomenon that Tsunami wreck havoc in our lives. Well,if you watch Bodyguard you will realise Tsunami Singh did it!!

My question, is when the director already knew that we were going to watch the Bodyguard in the movie, i.e. Salman Khan, why we need a Tsunami...I mean a Tsunami which looked stupid also was a complete disaster.

So if you remove the Tsunami from Bodyguard, it would have been a good movie to enjoy.

Lets first talk about the Bodyguard; as always Salman was impeccable in his charming aura; stunning in his stunts and funny and witty at times. Though he played the tough guy; but his eyes exuberated serene innocence in the entire film. So for die hard fans of Salman, its clear paisa Usool.I loved the scene in the park when Salman put eye to eye to Kareena and expressed his love. Salman proves, he does well in romantic scenes as well.

Theres nothing much to speak about Kareena, except that she excelled in her role. In other words she sleepwalked the role. Shes is the best thing in Body Guard.

The second best thing in Bodyguard is action sequences. It will suddenly bring live to the lifeless script made barren by a lethargic Screenplay.

Third will be the story, which is novel, but the screenplay plays the spoilsport. The climax is though well crafted.

The reason behind the lacklustre screenplay of the movie is the Vision of Director, it came out clearly that Siddique was not sure what mix he wanted in the movie! Does want a Romantic comedy or a Action packed Romance or a Romance-Drama. Lack of clear vision makes his otherwise brevity a spoiled attempt.

I will give Bodyguard a 3-0.2=2.8( 0.2 is deducted because of inclusion of Tsunami Singh in the movie).

Despite this backdrop, the movie has already made 52 crores in 3 days.

Will it recover 90 crore? Unlikely as after Dabaggang and Ready's Success, the expectation of Bodyguard is sky high. Such expectations was clearly not executed in totality by the movie!!