Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Roman Settlement!!

I wanted to have the last laugh, but it is always fortune that smiles. I believed in destiny,but the question was if destiny believed in me?

I was reeling under serious thoughts while I was waiting for my turn for a meeting with the public relations manager of ASTHETICS,the famous youth magazine. This was in connection with the launch of my collection of songs DUPORHEA. I wanted a coverage by the magazine during and post launch of my album.

' Impressive', I never realised when I was called in and it took me some time to come to terms of the fact that I already briefed about my agenda to the PR Manager who gave that response to my quandary. After giving a welcome gaze to the lady in front of me with long hair, dark eyes and a mysterious smile I wanted to return the same word, but I summoned all my excitement to a composed thanks to her.

' It looks like the album is about romantic songs!' More than enquiry it appeared to be statement she deduced. I was enticed to elaborate then.

'Perhaps you got carried away by the mention of Rhea' I just sipped the warm coffee offered to me when I noticed her eyes showed glimpses of curiosity. I continued again, ' It is close to breaking the stereo-type, yet it is very common! It is far from popular verse yet it is the symbol of your neighbourhood.It is a novel concept but arouses everyday regularity' I was non stop.

'But what is the significance of DupoRhea?' She did not seem to be convinced and bending towards me she posed this question.

I looked at her desk and the tiny dashboard she maintained. There were few pictures of great people, arranged in a peculiar manner which I failed to comprehend. In one of the pictures Vladimir Putin was depicted shaking hands with Jawaharlal Nehru!

I asked her what made her morfed a Putin in the realms of a Nehru. And I myself replied to her that it is an example of DupoRhea. Aligning past to the present.

The more than irregular conversation concluded in her assuring him of taking my plea to the VP Communications.

I was happy about the outcome of the visit. The informal conversation with the PRM was fruitful too. It was true that my excitement was fully linked to the release of my new album over the last six months, but meeting with the PRM prompted me to shift a gear! Kimaya Baruah. At length I decided to google the meaning in web, it means pious. Now I am biased towards this pious girl. Is it a reward for a dream that I have launched some months ago? Or this is just a break from the dream!

Suddenly I drew a similarity between myself and sage Vishwamitra. Both had a mission to pursue; both encountered oomph of beauties during their mission. While his thinking was on, track 3 of the album was being played on his system........ SONGHATOR SONDHIYA DEKHA PUA ROMOK JOMOKOR MAJOT DHUSOR PORINOTI E PUAR DUKMUKALIK SUORI OSINAKI RENDEZVOUS KHELE!

In the meanwhile the day of my album launch finally arrived.

'Still no news of the coverage came', I almost disdained it as a futile excercise.But the curiosity inside me was never settled and I dialled her cell,' Is this Sagorika?' I tried to be sure.There was a pause and then came the reply ' I know why you have called!' she giggled and continued ' In fact I am at the venue with my colleague to cover your opening. So relax now!'

I saw her from a distance; more than her colleague she seems to have brought in her elegance. At length after the launch I approached her and thanked her for arranging all this.

' Don't thank me' she gave a careless smile and looking at her left said' This Reema who has arranged everything. The day I met you was my last day at ASTHETCS. I briefed her about the project and she handled everything.' While I acknowledged the help of Reema, my eyes were looking for my clarifications. Understanding my anxiety she chiped in again ' Reema is new and that's why I accompanied her for this event and wanted to wish you.'

I watched them leave.

My fulfilment was shallow and ended in a surprise.