Saturday, May 21, 2011

Core Competency: Are we forgetting?

In my childhood I read a poem about a couple; the poem narrated a story. It was like, husband worked in his farm and the wife was a homemaker; everything one going fine, until one day they started arguing about, who was better? The husband with his part of job or the wife, or in her part of responsibilities? The wife said, "Lets swap the job responsibilities; you take care of home and i will do farming; for one week.Lets see who fares better?"

As per plan, they started with the role reversal; everything was going except for the fact that in crucial moments; like when the child needed the mothers feed and motherly care; or the food that required the technical acumen from the cook was missing with the husband. Similarly, the wife could not work with the machines properly and crashed it. In short they both screwed up in their alternate jobs.

Moral of the story: People should work based on their core competency.

Examples: Commercial Banks entering Investment Banking which was not their core competency; which led to sub prime debacle in US and Europe; in Indian case, Mahesh Manjreker, the quintessential director of Vastav, Kurukshetra spoiled his directorial acumen by started acting; Anna Kournikova, now is neither a tennis star nor a good model, she was better of playing Lawn tennis; so on and so forth.

Latest in the fag is our Union Home Minister P.C. True that he is a responsible politician. But as it turned out during his stint as Home Minister, our country had faced blows one by one, recent one being the security goof up with most wanted names.

At least had he been in his favorite role as the Finance Minister, our country would have done better in economic issues like the inflation etc.

PC. think again...Think your core and then compete..