Sunday, January 23, 2011

Time ticks the Tommy Way!!

Your birthday is an occasion when you often fall short of words. This is because the wish queue is long in general; even if there are only a few wishes, you will definitely find it hard to find a good way of acknowledgement. You actually feel good; sometime get carried away.

Nevertheless, the quench for a new update or a sms or a call never ends. For after the end of the day, life becomes normal; routine takes charge and you are no longer special.Or you stand on the other side of the table, wishing someone else and making him/her special.

In that special day, which is the most special thing for you? In my case, it is the mid night of 22nd, when I anticipate, who will be the first one to wish me? Many a times in the past, I never used to get calls.But from the last few years, I have been getting a regular call exactly at 12 from someone(This time though, I did not receive

Sometimes, it had also happened that I used to call dad at 12 am(when I never got any calls from anyone), that I am making Black tea now to celebrate my bday.He would sigh and pray for me.And that too in his sleep..Lol..

Reminiscent of all past years that have gone by, I wish to reproduce here some moments which have made me very elated and kept me longing for those moments. Just one caveat though, these moments are not in order of preference. Each one is equally special to me. I will try to revisit those on a chronological order.

When I was in my 8th standard, on a lazy morning (My mornings are still lazy), of a 23rd Jan my mom gave me a rose with Chai. That was my first tete-e-tete with Romantics. Till then I never knew the essence of a rose..I felt like mom was giving her permission to go get my love..Well, I was too tender and shy. I put it alongside the pages of a romantic novel. And hoped for the best..

Another moment which I still remember happened several years after that. That was during the starting of days Management studies. On a not so happening 23rd January, filled with cold wind that made my heart and the afternoon tremble with fear. I was fearful because I was about to propose the girl I love for the second time.(First time I did over a call from my cell while travelling on a was not waited her for at a Barista outlet at Bunglow Road, New Delhi. I welcomed her with a Cappuccino I ordered for her. She was cold in the chilling temperature of Delhi. While she was warming herself with coffee, I dared to propose to her once again. To my surprise, it made her smile. I thought, this is it. She nodded, but in the negative..I knew that I spill coffee on my hopes. She took a leave with a heavy heart. And I, not used to drinking end up having many cups of hot Cappuccinos. And the affair with Cappuccino is still growing strong. Cappuccino was a good birthday gift after all. lolz.

While I was in my first job, my team also celebrated birthday when gave me a grand treat. Everyone was saying good things about me. When my boss's turn came he said with a big laugh, " I think he is the most stupid boy I have ever seen, but I trust him blindly". That saying made my moment very special. A candy floss moment for me.

Another 23rd Jan evening. That was a weekday. I invited my friends to celebrate it at my place. They all arrived at 11:55 PM in the night and by the time I could taste and spill cake on everyone's face, it was already 24th Jan. It was funny as I waited for all day, and nobody turned up. That made me lonesome. I discovered something in my loneliness. I started describing my day on a diary. That was a day I started writing. I developed my liking for writing. It has grown as a passion now.

Two years ago, I was in my deepest sleep and suddenly was awaken by the voice of my dad at the mid night of 22nd Jan, when he said "Happy bday" and gave me coffee mug. Some moments make you cry and that was one that rolled my tears down dad's shoulders when I hugged him in joy.

Last but not the least. I call it the Tommy Hilfiger moment. I was passionate about wearing a Tommy watch one day. I never discussed this to anyone. But I have one username by the name of Tommyz_Hilfiger10. Well, I don't know how but Sandeep got a hint of the same and this bday he gifted my unspoken wish. I consider that a gift of the gab. I treasure it not because of the name, but because he could discover my liking so assiduously.

With the passing of days, while it is imperative that people grow in terms of Knowledge, wealth and success. I do possess neither power nor pelf. All I treasure is great memories. My life is wealthy with the warmth of great friends and friends are my greatest treasure.

My this birthday is famous because I have added some exciting names in my life.

Donna G: The storehouse of warmth and laughter.

Dhara: Well, Imran Khan is very proud of her.

Georgina: I will have coffee with her soon..:p

Dilly: She is a great cricket fan and we have so much to discuss coz we both like the game.

Agni: She is a traveler and I am sure she can share her experiences with me..

And many more who have further enriched my life.

Life as it turns out is smiling now, as I spread my wings. Wings for a better future..