Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Let's talk about a Catastrophe..Part II

The realms of human heart is as vast as the ocean itself. That is why we are supposed to be the greatest on earth. Out of all our qualities, the virtue of our heart to give makes us stand tall and infallible. We are kind. The kindness we manifest is better than our power to kill. We don't take lives, instead we give it. A hungry tiger will not leave a trembling deer in his hold; but a hungry human can leave its food, for someone who is even more hungry and needy!! An animal acts and a human abstains from Acting..

Yes, I am still talking about charity. The power that refines and defines us. So , the celebrities have the muscle to give and do not shy away from giving. It is true, a charitable act of a celebrity brings publicity first and charity later, but the fact that it contributes to the greater cause is good for us.

Now point to ponder, do the funds raised for charity, actually are well utilized? The transparency matrix of public money is always non vivid. Does the tax payers money get utilized in an accountable manner? The answer is again complex. The pie chart which you make for the utilization %age will have a bigger slice for the money which is never utilized.

Let us look into an example. Last year I and my friend Sandeep participated in a stride against cancer. A NGO by the name of CanSupport organised this event. A walk-a-thon. Walk a mile or a few for supporting the cause. All the famous corporates participated in the event as a part of their CSR Acitivity. Some celebrities of Bollywood also showed up and walked the mile.Superb.The efforts of CanSupport are no doubt praiseworthy. The money raised by this way will be utilized for the support of this cause. Behind this highlighted panorama, there were things noticed by Sandeep. The ensemble of the participants was in a CRPF playground, where you will never see the end of it. For those who, gathered there, refreshments were provided.Refreshments in plenty. Free bees for those who could easily afford those. It looked like as if money already collected, were spent on baseless exuberance. Irony was, there were poor and hungry souls doing their rounds outside the ground; sneaking the extravaganza; only to be faced with the owl eyes of the security personnel. We feed the one whose stomach is already full, while we show aghast to the empty soul. Wonder how the money raised for the cause will actually be delivered? "More than charity, we believe in charity celebration", observing these words, Sandeep handed over his goodies to a needy soul on the street.

The virtues are depleting like the natural resources. Sometimes I consider my personal case.I have not able to disagree with the my taste buds for meat. For me, to resist the temptation of meat and saving the life of an innocent animal(even though that would be just a drop in the ocean) will be a greater charity than to participate in a huge fanfare charity.

And while speaking of animals, in this beautiful earth we all have equal rights to live and co-exist.Yet at times we act like we are devoid of that fact. We kill animals for their meat, horns, fur. We kill their soul to enlighten our needs for a feast.

The pet owners. Their policies of owning a pet has been: own when there is charm and abandon when there is no sheen. The lives of many strays on the street is due to relentless abandonment. The problem is, we don't even stop at abandonment. We despise them when we saw them on the street. We complain that they should be abdicated from the parking space because none of their fault. We don't even show mercy at them, while we go swayed over charity for enumerable causes. I don't understand when World's Health Organisation was found, why did they only include the health of humans and not other spices? We have a UNICEF for children? Why don't we have a UNIAN for animals?

We have PETA. True. But the need of PETA huge, but it is most often downplayed. Why can't we have the act of Philanthropy for PETA or animals?

It stems from my original argument: Charity has more to do with recognition. Any donation for AIDS will receive with applauds ( With due regards for the AIDS victims);but a charity for animals would go unnoticed.

It is really a disgruntled fact that humans never take pride in exercising their potent strength; and when they care for exercising it, it comes with a price.

The catastrophe lies in our hands. We can always turn into a dramatic success!!