Sunday, November 7, 2010

Let's talk about a Catastrophe..Part I

Caring sets us apart. The chord of the Human heart is empathetical. So much so the mind, the heart teaches us to look around, see things and ponder upon. The acts follow naturally. By the way, I am talking about charity here. A way which brings contentment to us on the realization that even the world outside our doors are serviced by us.

Like common sense however, Charity is not common to all. At times people put charity after Roti (Food), Kapda (Clothing), Makaan (Shelter).Those who follow Hindu Mythology, would understand the concept of Tyaag. Taking some pains in order that some others get benefited; shedding your precious belongings for others sake; Spending sleepless nights so that others have a peaceful sleep; or as far as the contemporary times go, putting the need of the Team first, and self later. In ancient times, charity was supposed to be duty.Or if anyone believes the tale of the Lord of the Rings, charity came from not holding the devious Ring, but setting it ablaze in the lavas of Mordor and destroying it.

Unfortunately, the time in which we live, Charity is either Corporate compulsion or insidious fashion.

Speaking of Corporate compulsions, I want to bring in the topic of CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility to the table. Corporates run half Marathons, goes into Walk-a-Thon for Cancer support, or very philanthropic deeds of Warren Buffet, or Bill gates and Melinda gates or our beloved Mr Premzi's recent $2 Billion dollar act of Education reform package in India; everyone wants to be part of the race. It is great.

But the pertinent question here is do we want to be the part of the race because everyone else is running? Or Charity runs in our veins?

Example: I got a call from an NGO to contribute to the welfare for old age homes. I said no at first. Later on I saw a couple of colleagues got rewarded at office for contributing to the same NGO. I then followed suit too. Clearly, the purpose was NOT Charity, but recognition.

Take even greater examples: The star ensemble of various movies in bollywood or the sports' newly crown Jewels in India participating in Kaun Banega Crorepati( A popular Game show hosted by Amitabh Bachchan) to raise funds for the deprived children or poor families. Were they offering Charity or promoting their latest flicks or heralding their rise a Sportsmen for better Sponsorships? Nevertheless, KBC's TRP was on a rise!! Alas Charity!!

So the purpose is everything but Charity.

Hooligans will however say, who cares how the money is raised! The triumph lies in the fact that the money is raised for Charity.

(To be continued on Part II)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Oh God!! Is this Happiness?

It is great that we wait till this time of the year. Because this is the time when we fetch some happiness or at least try to be happy. Festive times are back; so does happiness!!

Better still; are the manifestations. The application for a week long leave from work and the resulting scuffle with the colleague. The festival spirit keeps your energy bowl to the brim, and like Lord Rama did conquer Ravana, you hope that you overcome every unholy friend of yours, who stride against you for his/her chance of a holiday. And this is a mutually exclusive event, one must win. or better yet, you must win.

Your battle is not over yet. The reservation for a berth in the express train is hardly a possibility in the crunch moments. Hence you plan your travel and book in advance, unless you think that your leave stands standstill. So you are in a catch 22. Until you book tickets, you can't board the train;and unless your reason for boarding the train is approved by your boss, you would hardly book the tickets.

Suddenly you realize, your best friend is getting married and he is away in Manchester. He sends you a return ticket for the marriage. Whilst you gesticulate your friend's largess, you chose to turn his offer down. You only regret, happiness comes as a package; you can't have it all..

All sacrifices made above takes you to Home sweet home. Perhaps, it is the parents that completes your home. When you meet them and other family members and have a family luncheon, you feel blessed. You tend to forget the hard times before.

A ray of light and a few hopes. Thats why you tend to live life. A festivity like Diwali brings people closer. Even for a few days, be it poor or rich everyone enjoys it. More or less, all our hard work summon to realise the passions of festivities. We don't toil to just decay us. Even the momentary laughter and brimming smiles repairs the wear and tear of the body that goes through tough times during the year.

You are so happy, you want to gift a purple jacket to the girl you love and knowing fully that she does not reciprocate the same to you..You send diwali cards and messages to all and sundry.You spoil yourself and spoil everyone.

On an entirely different note, you enjoy throwing crackers on to the strays...ridicule them when they are spooked. You tend to over play your happiness. You downplay the life of other lives. It is everyone's opinion that sometimes even the nature face the brunt of our happiness. Speeding gigs, racing gentlemen and the sumptuous feast. While you enjoy chicken, you also took its life.

It is time, happiness should translate good thought and make everyone responsible. Otherwise, happiness will not keep us for long.