Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Pose for a Question!!!!

some people find it in their lives..some people find it the in dictionary..some people chase it and find it hard to realise..Hapiness is what I am talking is perhaps the fourth basic requirement; after food, shelter and clothing..or may be the possession of the earlier three in one's life automatically shapes happiness up..huh!! it would have been really nice had it been an equation..(People with a Chemistry Background might help, please).

Happiness has always been a priority for all and sundry..And everyone seems to have defined their own way of happiness..this is only but natural when you realise the hard way that there is no clearly defined path to it.Consider this.. Mars Born's with a silver spoon in his mouth..He had his schooling at the Doon School and he never had the irony to become number 2..In the meantime, he become the Boys champion in Wimbledon Lawn Tennis for three consecutive years..He graduates from St Stephens College in Economics by breaking all records..he falls in love with Venus at the second sight(first was actually a glance and he was totally drunk!!) and proposes to her..Venus says that she loves the blue sky, that why she recognises a sky of potential in him and she loves him too..Venus was incidentally following the same path as Mars, born with a silver spoon in her mouth,schooling at doon, becoming the girls champion in Wimbledon, broke all records in chemistry from Stephens..together they joins MBA..Mars does it from Harvard and Venus does it from Boston..Mars and Venus becomes a wizard of Harvard and Boston by showing unprecedented success in Finance..When the time of placements came, Mars was hired by Lehman Brothers and Venus Bank of America..As it turned out, they have turned out to be the highest paid executives in the finsel town..when Lehman Collapsed, Mars was never sacked, rather he got promoted and at Bank Of America Venus was appointed as the relegated as the consultant to advise on the Bankruptcy Filing..Now ask Mars and Venus are they happy?

Mars, " Hey wait the last movie I watched together with Venus was perhaps Jurassic Park..oh man, I have got almost everything in life one can have, but i don't have time to enjoy those..Happiness?well, miles away..perhaps in the woods!!!"

Venus, " Numbers and Numbers..and I am blind..and perhaps deaf..I cant hear Mars saying, 'I love u'..I can't even remember when we last met for a quiet dinner..when we met last Mars said, "honey, I have a meeting!!"

Ask my friend Jeeta when shes happy..she would say " When so many cats in white surround me and plays like Toms with me"..Kongkona is happy when she would do her Riyaaz for at least 30 minutes because she finds peace of mind in that..Sandeep is happy when he takes a break from processing and goes for a diet coke and on the way feeds muffin to the stray dog..Chintu likes to break off working monotony by perhaps working MORE!! Sachin Tendulkar is happiest when he listens to Eric Clapton!!

So everyone has their happiness theory..But no is ever sure if that theory works ever after and therefore believe in devising new ways to find happiness..If I get bored by the way Chambers defines happiness, I turn on to wickipedia!!But keep changing and you will be happy! that seems to be the mantra..but what does one do when even a change becomes the order of the day and becomes, if u wear fourteen different pairs of shoes in seven days and u still get bored, will wearing twenty one different pairs of shoes will help? try switching to one pair of shoes for the entire week..with of course 0% guarantee that monotony will go away!!

Not easy though!! I would say happiness is tough..say it 349 times to as many people in 227 ways or say to yourself that "shut up" and be happy and hit the bed..or simply make a call to mummy and say, " I am coming home, make the Fish Curry Ready"..

I am sure, there will be some people who would be happy answering to my question, " Is happiness is a Science or Rocket Science or Obama Science or simply it is a nine letter word?"