Thursday, January 15, 2009

Drums of Heaven!!!

The pass way along the infinity, cybercity and DLF ship building; well, is a hell in heaven for commuters. But Bharath, Cherry and I, didn’t quite agree to that. At least, for the sake of going to the Food Court, adjoined to the Sapient Office. DAP, a menace which comes in a while and wreck havoc in our job lives seemed a futile exercise as compared to the craving for a walk, talk and dine fervor. And we loved the mad rush and hush of the roadway.

“Chale”….Cherry would never be late in buzzing me and Bharath. I would ping out, “Ruk jao…m in Edit Details”, just to ignore his vivacious call. Bharath just nods the head and pings in, “Mahanta, band karo roj ka drama”.

That was not a drama, of course. It became a routine, as much as breathing in and out. Come 9 O’clock and we would be ready for our long haul. It would be eventful. Questions round would come first. “Kitne Accounts kar liye bhai”, this question became so ubiquitous that we even started answering it first before asking, “let me say first, 50 and done”, I once said. This is actually the collection of short stories by Tara Deshpande, which meant 50 were too much. Now I guess, my ex-colleagues would observe, “50 kya he bhai…50 to minutes ka khel he”, well, times have started speeding up, faster than the daisy’s (arguably the fastest processor) fingers in moving dates of sales to the end of month to get rid of those bizarre rate of return.

Bharath could easily cling to his mobile and rang out to (for obvious reasons, I would refrain from taking the name), some special one. His talking times would definitely make a marathon race look shorter and gasping for attention. Cherry would say, “when would you kindly resign from your grasp-drag-press-hold device?, I would only laugh away in careless admonition. We both knew how difficult it is to be away from those pristine whispers, resembling music to ears.

I would always start looking at the glaring buildings under the evening sky, with ever increasing illusion. “See cherry, PriceWaterhouse Coopers”, “Sapient”, “and Microsoft”, all look like sparkling stars in a night sky”; Cherry, would not really mind that. “Bhai, look ahead, cab’s coming. When will you come out of your dreams, subbu?” By then we would have turned around to the pass way adjacent to Tower B and A of Infinity. We would step ahead very slowly so that we can enjoy the time and the crowd. “Our office, lacks the presence of those deer’s and butterflies”, Cherry would get disappointed. The heading for home girls and their all embracing buddies; some would just sit and relax; many would hustle around; I remember one disparaging couple. The girl, for a change was trying to convince the boy from going away from her. Honking of cabs, however often played spoil sports to those eye engulfing sights and reminded us of the task of crossing the danger zone.

“Hold, I m going to cross the road”, Bharath would instruct the other end. Crossing the road safely and reaching the other end was an uphill task. I always felt the need for a footbridge over the road. “I will tell DLF, don’t worry Subbu; now be happy as we are about to reach our destination’, Cherry would always crack a joke or two.

“Decide”, Me

“Let’s explore”, Bharath. His penchant for a new stuff everyday would take more time than the time to eat.

“Drums of Heaven’, Cherry announced.

“Whats that”, I enquired of in severe excitement.

“Bhai, how long will you cling on to Indian Chicken, let’s have Chinese chicken today”, Bharath would try to persuade me for the cuisine which I loathed extremely.

I wondered why we three did so less accounts on a daily basis during DAP. We never cared to even think how much time we wasted (well, I would love to say “Invested” actually, m too emotional) in having dinner in office.

“It’s awesome”, I liked drums of heaven. “Thanks to both of you for introducing something exciting to my closed food circle”, I would be grateful to both.

After that day, whenever we visited the food court, even after a rigorous search for a new stuff we would end up having drums most often.

That was a time when we three were together in the same process. Our journey was however cut short by happenings that were inevitable. For obvious reasons, Cherry suddenly decided to turn vegetarian, like Michael Jackson becoming a Muslim. It was alarming news to me. Because Cherry loved Chicken as much as I loved Tea.

After that, I and Shyam decided bade goodbye to IPMG. Shyam headed for Hyderabad and I though shifting within, no longer keep the drums beating and heating.

Drums of heaven is a time, rests in hearts. It was much warm than the dish till date.